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St. Petersburg household pays Money45,000 for solar power systems, nevertheless saddled with large electricity bill

ST. PETERSBURG, chose a company with more than 50 rooftop solar systems. The sections set up in October are currently an extra bill to pay double, I can not. " Setticase, he went to the conquest of voltaics. His company of Voltaics told him to plan ten days. The city of St. Petersburg seemed closed around the unmentioned. So decided, but better, make contact with the goals achieved.

One day, solar rooftop systems could take on a dual responsibility: managing solar energy while cooling the house. Scientists are creating a computer combining two technologies to achieve exactly that. And even if it is really a first prototype, it is a promising step to cope with the many electricity needs of the Earth. Many people are familiar with the idea of ​​photo voltaic culture or the absorption of St. Petersburg family solar energy into energy. There is also an inverse method called radiative cooling, which occurs when heat returns to the universe. All physical objects emit heat in the form of infrared radiation, which is hidden for the eyes. The setting usually returns this heat, but a certain infrared wavelength can escape in the area as opposed to planning. This means that the components emitting this wavelength turn out to be colder than the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere. Anyway, that's why it's snowing, even when it's not snowing. In the field of engineering, researchers want this technique to be used one day in the morning to clean buildings without creating harmful harmful gas from the greenhouse caused by air conditioning. The results are certainly a promising way to address the growing interest in air conditioning systems around the world. In a recent article in the Joule newspaper, the researchers designed a two-part unit: a photo voltaic harvester at the top and a radiative cooler at the bottom. The hard part was keeping a cold and hot element at the same time. So they really developed a vacuum cleaner step around the radiator to make sure the 2 is not crossed.

"Moving forward in the direction of sustainability requires collaboration, connect the Chancellor." Planning, enough 330 residences per work permit schedule keeping two megawatts less time needed and less weighty.Less costly, self-coupled solar helps clean and to increase sustainability. The How solar panels partner of ForeFront Energy has developed an effective method of reducing electricity by an institution.